My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 557: Surely the Dog Girl Has a Higher Embarrassment Level

Chapter 557: Surely the Dog Girl Has a Higher Embarrassment Level

Chapter 557: Surely the Dog Girl Has a Higher Embarrassment Level    

After carefully sensing their surroundings, both Shana and Ye Lian confirmed one fact.     

The distance between them and Ling Mo was indeed getting farther.     

As Zombie Puppets, they couldnt sense his exact location like Ling Mo could, but they could vaguely guess the general direction and distance.     

Whats wrong? Li Ya Lin struggled out from under Xiao Bais belly, where she had taken a Panda Fall that had been deliberately weakened so as not to injure her.     

Ye Lian, still with wide-open eyes, stared in one direction and after a few seconds of stupor said, According to our current our current speed of movement     

Approximately in ten minutes, our mental connection with Ling Mo will be severed, Shana continued.     

If Ye Lian were to say this, it would probably take her a full minute of stuttering, and the impatient Shana couldnt wait that long.     

After taking over the conversation, Shana immediately turned to Ye Lian with a coquettish smile.     

Ye Lian paused for a moment, then also managed to squeeze out a smile that probably meant Its okay.     

This was when the difference between pure zombies and those with human traits became apparent. Shanas expressions were quite natural, while Ye Lian seemed to be forcibly imitating based on memory, and not very successfully at that     

Ah Li Ya Lin didnt quite understand; she neither had the strong mental power like Shana nor the deep mental connection with Ling Mo like Ye Lian did. Most importantly, although she was the most evolved among the three female zombies, her intelligence was actually about the same as Ye Lians.     

On the other hand, Yu Shiran, who was lying on Xiao Bai, reacted strongly. After being stunned for two seconds, the zombie loli suddenly asked in confusion, Does this mean that in ten minutes, this Sausage Human will no longer be able to stop me from doing anything?     

Mm. Zombies linear thinking ensured they wouldnt lie, but if you were to ask who was the most honest among them, it would definitely be Ye Lian, who was nodding at the moment.     

They might not lie, but they could still choose not to answer     

Wow wow Yu Shiran took a few more seconds to digest this answer, then cheered, This is great! So great, so great!     

No this is terrible, Shana corrected her.     

Thats for you, not for me, Yu Shiran retorted with pride, lifting her head high, And besides, do you really willingly bind yourselves to a human? Hes just prey If you were human, would you not feel ashamed to be yoked to a cat?     

Huh to think youd use a metaphor     

Of course, Ive practiced, Yu Shiran continued proudly, How about it, while we have the chance, lets kill this human, eat him, and bury this humiliating past in our stomachs once and for all. Then you can join me in finding Ban Yue, and we can cleanse both Team F and Falcons camps!     

You really have practiced Li Ya Lin said.     

Had humans heard the zombie lolis words, they would have felt a chill, downright hair-raising.     

Despite the calm expressions on the three female zombies faces, the only thing that surprised them a bit was Yu Shirans deep planning.     

How about it? How about it? Yu Shiran was brimming with excitement.     

No way, Ye Lian was the first to shake her head, Ling Mo hes not prey.     

Right, and your description is all wrong. Although we are different species, at least our appearances are the same, Shana added.     

Dont be silly! Hes just a human! Even though he is an interesting human hes still just human. And we are zombies! Look, he made me and Xiao Bai run under that metal bird, kept us stationed outside, and didnt dare let us meet people.     

Yu Shirans words had obviously been brewing in her little head for a long time: He also doesnt dare let you practice in front of humans, right? Sooner or later, he still belongs to the human race, and one day he will abandon you to return to the human community. Of course, you cant blame him, because we zombies would do the same. If my own kind saw me with a human how embarrassing that would be!     

After saying this, Yu Shiran raised her head again, a sly smile playing on her lips.     

Its still not okay Ye Lian continued to shake her head.     

You Yu Shiran wanted to find a word to scold Ye Lian, but was it stubborn or obtuse? Neither seemed quite right     

Thats right, its not okay. Ling Mo is doing it to protect us, understand? Shana also smiled and said.     

Li Ya Lin turned her body to look in the direction where Ling Mo was located: Hmm no, its not okay.     

Yu Shiran felt deflated but was still somewhat unwilling: Why not!     

Because Ye Lian looked at her somewhat blankly, then slowly shook her head again, I dont know     

Ha ha, you insist on it even without knowing the reason Yu Shiran started to mock, but then her mouth fell shut, and her expression fell flat.     

Although Ye Lian couldnt articulate why, her expression was very serious, not at all like she was joking.     

Deep down in her subconscious, she was very clear about the reason for her actions. But this reason had become an instinct, something taken for granted, which is why she couldnt explain it.     

Alright then, you go ahead, Im leaving, Yu Shiran said, laying down on Xiao Bai.     

Mhm, go on, go on, Shana waved her hand, then remembered something, and continued, Ah wait a second. I remember Ling Mo saying that you and Black Silk are symbiotes, right?     

Yeah Yu Shiran nodded blankly. What was the point of bringing this up now?     

Hehe the one who has a mental connection with Ling Mo is Black Silk, not you. This means if you intentionally increase the distance, causing the mental connection to break, you will be completely controlled by Black Silk, Shana said with a sinister smile.     

What does that mean? Yu Shiran instinctively felt something was amiss and quickly pressed for an answer.     

Shana slightly bowed her head, with a faint red glint in her eyes: The reason you still retain most of your sanity is that Ling Mo is restraining Black Silk. Once Black Silk becomes a wild horse oh, a wild bitch, do you think youll still be able to walk on two legs?     

As she spoke, Shana slightly crouched down, her hands forming fists held in front of her chest, and gently barked, Woof!     

She gave Yu Shiran, who stood there dazed, a meaningful glance and turned away with a hop: Woof! I wonder whether its more embarrassing to be with humans or to become a complete fool What do you guys think?     

The three female zombies jumped down together, swiftly disappearing into the ruins with their superior leaping abilities.     

A few seconds later, a white shadow followed, accompanied by the zombie lolis indignant roar: Ahh! Humans! I wont let this go! You must have schemed against me on purpose! Cunning and sneaky humans!     

Whats wrong with her? Ye Lian turned her head for a glance and asked.     

Shes just a mischievous kid; leave her be, Shana frowned and replied. This is too strange. Ling Mo clearly knew we were coming out to practice new techniques. He would definitely stay with Team F, ready to assist us at any moment.     

Could it be that he wasnt willing? Li Ya Lin asked.     

Even with straightforward thinking, the question wasnt hard to figure out.     

Niepan? No, thats not right. The people from Niepan dont know Ling Mo, and his original plan was to wait for them to expose themselves. Even if there was a mishap with the plan, he should be bringing those people to meet up with us by now. The more Shana analyzed, the deeper her frown became.     

So what do we do? Li Ya Lin also grew a bit nervous.     

Ill follow behind you, Ye Lian suddenly said.     

Okay, Ye Lian will assist from the back. Ill attack from the left and the senior from the right; we will definitely catch up to Ling Mo!     

After saying that, Shana immediately sped up, with the cold light of her scythe flashing, she quickly moved to the front.     

Li Ya Lin didnt completely understand, but that didnt stop her from following the plan. Almost in a flash, Li Ya Lins figure completely vanished.     

However, if you paid close attention to the front, you could discern a faint shadow near some obstacles, which was Li Ya Lin slowing down briefly to reveal her form.     

Bringing up the rear were Xiao Bai, Yu Shiran, and Black Silk.     

In the blink of an eye, only a few shadows could be seen flitting through this city of ruins.    

The source of this c?ntent is freewe(b)nov?l    



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