Enchanting Alchemist



When he turned his head back, there was a look of reproach in his eyes. However, he did not stop his battle and did not say anything else, because once Hua Ruge made a decision, it was not that easy to change.    


Hua Ruge secretly heaved a sigh of relief, then shifted his gaze away from Yun Che, searching the crowd that was battling for Yuxu Sect and Shui Yunxuan's figure.    


She quickly found the target, and saw Yuxu Sect fighting in a group. In front of them were the gigantic octopus, the big white shark, and a big humanoid man, fighting against Shui Yunxuan.    


As the Sect Leader of the Yuxu Sect, Shui Yunxuan's strength was already at the Profound Immortal Stage level. It was obvious that the humanoid Sea Beast's strength was also around the same.    


This person's entire left arm was bitten off by the sea monster. Right now, his body was covered in blood and he also had internal injuries, so he couldn't use his spiritual energy to control his injuries. If he didn't save him in time, he would die.    


Without a word, Hua Ruge walked over, took out a hemostasis pill and fed it to him, then used the Healing to treat his internal injuries. As for the severed arm, she could only ensure that it would not bleed, and did not have the ability to reattach it.    


After a quarter of an hour of battle, a steady stream of injured cultivators were sent back to the frontlines. The pill refiners began to diagnose what pill to use, while the doctors used their Healing to treat the minor injuries and deal with them before sending them back to the backlines.    


At the same time, the Hundred School also sent out their messenger and returned to the sect's location to intensify the mobilization of the next batch of disciples.    


Only fresh blood could completely turn the tide of the battle. Otherwise, as time passed, the casualties would only worsen.    


The West Sea Eye had long since been dyed red with blood. The war had already entered a white-hot phase at midnight. Both sides were engaged in bloody battles, with numerous casualties.    


By the time the sun had risen, Hua Ruge had already lost count of the number of people he had saved. His body was basically covered in blood, while the others were in a sorry state as well.    


Just at the same time, someone walked towards Shi Xuejun's room and said to Shi Xuejun and the waiting Shi Qingwan, "Asgard Master, Young Asgard Mistress, we've found Hua Ruge's whereabouts."    


"Where?" Shi Qingwan asked first.    


"She has turned into Hu Yue again, and mixed into the pill refiners' camp, and spent the entire night saving people." the man replied.    


Shi Xuejun raised his eyebrows.    


Shi Qingwan was also surprised, they thought that he had gone missing or was hiding, they never expected that he would actually be on the battlefield.    


Shi Xuejun waved him down, then looked at Shi Qingwan and sighed.    


"Why does Mother sigh?" Shi Qingwan still had not figured it out.    


"This man must die." Shi Xuejun said: "If she is still alive, you cannot compare to her."    


Shi Qingwan was not convinced: "How am I worse than her?"    


"In the face of death on the continent, her strength is not as good as yours. At least she knows to go to the front to try her best, and then you can see her." Shi Xuejun said and sighed in his heart.    


His daughter's conditions were outstanding in all aspects, but she just didn't have the magnanimity and magnanimity to be someone in a position of power. This would greatly restrict her growth.    


"I usually go there too. I'm just thinking of getting rid of her first." Shi Qingwan muttered, but he was not confident.    


Even if she did not admit it on the surface, she could more or less feel the difference between her and Hua Ruge. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been so anxious to take Hua Ruge's life.    


"Alright, this time I will help you get rid of her. From now on, you have to keep a long-term perspective and look at the bigger picture." Shi Xuejun instructed.    


Shi Qingwan nodded: "Understood, Mother."    


On the battlefield, the pill refiners were surrounded by injured people, and sometimes, before they could even save a few, Hua Ruge would pull off his outer robes and help them bandage them up to stop the bleeding.    


In the end, she had only changed a few pieces of clothing.    


The longer the battle went on, the weaker the strength of the doctors became. More and more people needed to rest, and monsters like her, who didn't know how tired they were, could only force their way through.    


Although the physical and technical aspects of her rescue were negligible, the smell of blood in the air and the fiendish aura from the battlefield constantly assaulted her. She had to use a portion of her energy to suppress it in order to not lose control.    


When the sun rose, the sea beasts invaded once again. Moreover, their attacks were very fierce. The people fighting on the front lines were in an unprecedented crisis.    


Hua Ruge was so worried that he started to frown. If the disciples behind him didn't provide any more support, the defense line would definitely be breached by noon. At that time, the barracks behind him and even the entire city would be occupied by the sea beasts.    


If the sea beasts could occupy the city, then there would be a place to rest. This way, it would be easier to organize the next attack.    


The Hundred Sect had already sent people back to their living quarters. She reckoned that the second batch would come to support them.    


But after knowing this, her heart did not let go. Rather, she became even more worried because she saw that the number of sea beasts attacking Yuxu Sect was increasing.    


Furthermore, the Profound Ranked Ocean Beast that attacked Shui Yunxuan had turned into its original form. It was a very large lightning crocodile, and it released extremely strong electric arcs.    


The other disciples were unable to cope with the increasing number of sea beasts.    


Just as she was in a daze, she saw one of the octopus's tentacles strike towards Ye Wanrou. She thought that it was already too late to defend.    


At this moment, with a thought in her mind, the broken sword flew out. A blazing white light flashed, and the tentacle of the octopus was chopped off.    


Ye Wanrou was still in shock, but when he saw the broken sword, his eyes lit up.    


She recognized this sword, it was Hua Ruge's sword.    


Since he made his move, Hua Ruge no longer planned to stay behind. He immediately flew over and said: "Xiao Jin, come out and help."    


Ang!" Ang! "Ang!    


An earth-shattering dragon roar was the first to sound out. Following it was a giant golden dragon that soared into the sky from the Spiritual Beast's space.    




As the dragon's roar resounded across the borders, the sea beasts subconsciously felt a little apprehensive. Although Xiao Jin only had the strength of the peak Heavenly Immortal Stage, he was still a True Dragon after all, and thus carried a sense of oppression towards other beasts.    


"It's actually this dragon." Some people from the human camp recognized him.    


When they were at the Ten Directions Mystic Realm, Hua Ruge had once released the dragon, and many people had seen it before.    


"Hua Ruge, this is Hua Ruge's beast pet."    


Hua Ruge came, this was the message the golden dragon had sent to the others.    


"Ang!" Xiao Jin let out another dragon's roar and charged towards the sea beasts that were rushing over like a tidal wave. The sea beasts were being suppressed by the dragon's might, only eighty percent of their strength remained.    


A True Dragon's attack power was already extremely strong, with the support of the dragon's might, its fighting strength was close to that of Profound Immortal Stage.    


Hua Ruge knew that he could not hide it and immediately dispersed the Shape-Changing Pill's power. He flipped his hand, took out his rod and rushed towards the sea beasts.    


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